Straight Arena play, no KOTH, very straightforward. Ammo is in rooms outside game field & reached by central transporter, suggested up to 8 players. A few Pfhor thrown in; ahhhh, those M2 textures.
Kinda deep. Arena play, sewage pool in the middle, catwalks surrounding same. There is a room you can end up in (off-site as it were) & receive mercy transport back to main arena to continue action or be greeted by your opponent. Kinda interesting. Supports 2-4 players.
Rectangle with two stairways on facing sides. Stairs are good hidey holes. King of the Hill. Recommended 2-4 players, sez can possibly accommodate 8. Don't think so, pretty crowded. Arena play.
Dunno. Square with four interior ammo shelves reached by elevator & holding switches. Central cage you can end up in by sudden transport. You can get out, shoot those switches. Gather that ammo before trying your wings here. Designed for 2-4 players, author says maybe 8 player positions.