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Sparkling Insides

From the same author again, a small net level with a small partially covered arena. One ring that runs around the arena in a elevated mode that is accesible by platforms and teleporters. Each player starts in a ordinance room that opens into the the main arena. Their is only one spankr', and be patient when you acquire it. Flow is great on this one..I couldn't find a deadend at all. Sounds are few but some light sets and some fast carnage.

Testosterone Monkey

The read me says, Arena Map for 2-8 that has been updated from it's M-1 version. I don't see how 8 would fit, but I will give it a try with six. A small lava based level with ledges, dark tunnels a couple of transporters and some secrets. Watch the lava pits, a couple of them will take a gernade hop to get out off. Really a overkill on detail, there is so much that this author did that it is "claustrophobic" at times....This one would be best with KTMWTB.
