Created by Richard Bushey
The design on this map is probably one of the best from this author. The use of stairs was very unique. It is hard to describe in a short paragraph. A lot of sniper ledges..some narrow paths....very large..dark dungeons...and some secrets. This level with support KtMwTB, EmfH Co-Op and their are aliens for solo practice. For the large size that it is it was extremely fast. Check this level out.
A very large water based net level that is visually stunning to look at. Some very nice texture choices here along with some light sets that make it as stunning as it is. You will need large groups for this map. It is BIG. Supports EMfH or could be played solo or co-op with the aliens provided. Give it a try and let the author know what you think. Previously on the archive as a M-2 map, now ported over to Infinity.
A small lava based level that at times was too cramped. Some good design and construction ideas here, but, just too many sharp corners to allow the flow to be smooth enough. Physics model again and would probably be best for EMFH. If you end up in a lava pit you might get lucky enough for some rechargers at the bottom. No sounds to speak of...
Marathon Infinity map only ; uses the SMG in place of the Assault Rife. A small net level with a small partially covered arena. One ring that runs around the arena in a elevated mode that is accesible by platforms and teleporters. Each player starts in ordinance room that opens into the the main arena. There is only one spankr', and be patient when you acquire it. Flow is great on this one..I couldn't find a deadend at all. Sounds are few but some light sets and some fast carnage.
Plenty is saying it mildly. This is a large net map with enough places to go that it would be slow and probably boring with 2 or 3. A square arena with elevated platforms, a lot of multiple levels and enough transporters to make you dizzy. Embedded physics again, low gravity and I must say that it was pretty good on this one...
Well, once you play through it a bit, it will make a little more sense. Flow is o.k., but at first I really had some trouble with this one. Found a couple of weird things, in fact I have never seen them before. One, a yellow cannister floats inside a textured wall, depending on which angle you look at, and second, the pillars in one of the 4 rooms bounces you around quite a bit. A very small hill, in the middle of media, surrounded by a ring with some rooms at the points. Lots of rechargers here so it should provide for some extended carnage.
A large octagional arena map built with the Jjaro textures. Really quite fast even when you need to get out of the sewage. Two rings that surround it one exposed to the middle media area and one that is covered. Pillars stand in the media, but all have transporters built into the their bases. Enough rechargers to keep the carnage moving along fairly fast and weapons/ammo seems to be placed very well. Flow is great, no sounds to speak of and lighting is done pretty well, even on low res. This one should provide for some fast carnage and some extended play, just keep alive for a good stockpi...
From the same author again, a small net level with a small partially covered arena. One ring that runs around the arena in a elevated mode that is accesible by platforms and teleporters. Each player starts in a ordinance room that opens into the the main arena. Their is only one spankr', and be patient when you acquire it. Flow is great on this one..I couldn't find a deadend at all. Sounds are few but some light sets and some fast carnage.
The read me says, Arena Map for 2-8 that has been updated from it's M-1 version. I don't see how 8 would fit, but I will give it a try with six. A small lava based level with ledges, dark tunnels a couple of transporters and some secrets. Watch the lava pits, a couple of them will take a gernade hop to get out off. Really a overkill on detail, there is so much that this author did that it is "claustrophobic" at times....This one would be best with KTMWTB.
Cool name for a map, huh?? A large square arena with a 5D type of hill. You will have to hunt for the spankr', and this should be a fast map. Small, good flow and lighting is done well...