From the authors web page... Roberta, the female bob, is now ARMED AND DANGEROUS!! Sometimes she fights with you and sometimes she fights against you. Amazon Fighters are now ported into Infinity.
Okay folks, here is another one...but I must say this has been done very, very well. This patch comes with a sound patch, shapes patch and a map. This patch will turn those innocent civilian bobs into BabS!
There seems to be a run on female shape patches lately and now this one takes the cake. No harm intended here, this is really a fine job and the author has spent some time with even the colors.
These are the updated tutorials that comes with the Anvil/Forge 1.0.2 update. I know I didn't include them in the file that is uploaded at MidWest and I haven't seen them anywhere except at Bungie's server. These go along with the 1.0.2 updates that came out not too long ago.