Browse Files

Pfhorty Two

A fun level with a few good secrets. You can really surprise your playing mates if you find the good teleporters (and the flamethrower). Watch the big guy at the beginning...

Planet X

A KOH level. Has a pretty nice secret ammo stash... see if you can find it. (No, scratch that-it's pretty easy to find. See if you can access it before someone wastes you.)

Red Sector A

Visually very appealing. As far as I can tell, the pistons are for show only (there's no reason to risk getting on them...). Nice little secret alcoves.

Rescue Bob!

An amazingly engaging map-I found myself saying "Okay, just one more try" at least 15 times. Quite difficult, but satisfying to finish. Would benefit a lot from terms

The Kanjah Crisis 2.0

A pretty well thought-out level. There are a few annoying glitches, but nothing fatal (even on a 68K mac). A lot of running back and forth...

Warlord v1.2

A very nice 4-level scenario. Emphasis is on puzzle-solving, although there should be plenty of carnage... Some very cool new ideas here. Update fixes a few minor bugs, and majorly changes one level.

Where am I?

This one looked interesting, but I got freezing crashes twice during testing, and gave up.

Devil's Island vb1

2 maps, sort of variations on a theme. Simple arenas, but with ledges and dropoffs that provide cover. Pretty nice for small groups... Upgrade adds an online readme (it's in a (bunch of?) terms), and a few other tweaks. Poetry during netplay... a new concept.

Hop This!

A King of the Hill map designed around the concept of missile jumping. (It's not totally necessary, but it will give you an advantage...) The hill is overlooked by a couple of shelves that make nice sniper ledges...

Land of the Small 1.1

A major update on a very early M2 map. The readme is actually included in a comm term... The biggest problem with this map is the lack of trigger polys. (I was able to run all the way through it at Normal without ever shooting anything-only about half the baddies even woke up when I came near.) Fire a shot, though... and you'll find out how hard mini-fire F'lickta can be!

Marathon: The Spank(ter)ing

2 Maps. (One's actually pretty small...) The first one's pretty cool-stop anywhere on a water texture and teleport. Good for avoiding missile attacks. The second one's a bit confusing...multilevel, with a *very* fast elevator.

Pfhortresses v1.0

2 maps. Both variants of capture the flag... designed with two teams in mind, there are two fortresses in each map, and two skulls. Grab a skull, hide it and stock up, and let the searching begin!

Term Installer 2.1

This is of use only to scenario makers. You can use it to make an installer that will install shapes, sounds, terms, STR# resources, splash screens, chapter picts, film resources, and custom icons, all in one swell foop. Horrendously useful... If you're making a big scenario, this will save you (and your users) more time than you want to calculate.

Frank Will Die... v1.1

A large net map that has all types of net play offered. Lighted square arena, with some secrets. A dark screen arena, you control the lights with some secrets and a square media filled arena with some secrets. This map contains alot of frills and is basically just a wide open shoot em up. Lot's of room for manuvering and some tricks to help you out. Ammo is plentiful, but with 5 to 8 players it would probably get thin...Everything can be found on this map from dark sniper posts to hidden napalm!! An update of a previous map..This version adds some tweaks and their are hidden areas...

Black Market Carnage

This one sets the standard for what a good solo level should be. From the opening effects to the final battle with troopers and droids, this map keeps the adrenaline flowing. If you're like me, there will be several battles you'll need to repeat, with different tactics, in order to finish. This one's not boring, not repetitive, not derivative. Play it, you'll like it.

M2 Suicide v8

5 more. Somehow these slipped through... it's a great set, though, so I'm glad they finally made it out.

Save Yourself... Kill Them All 2.0

A fun romp through a bunch of rooms... a couple of secret ammo dumps to find, and basically just a lot of carnage to keep you busy for a while. Update adds a couple of terms, courtesy of Hex!

Will U Spank Me, Daddy?

A simple map with tons o' bobs and tons o' spankers... bad combination if you don't like killing innocent bobs...

"Dad, Get Me Out Of This!"

A really nicely designed level. No fancy lighting effects, but you'll be too busy staying alive to really notice... Documentation says Ignore Zero Divides is necessary for 68K users, but the map worked fine on my Q800. Crashed for the developer on an fpu-less 040, though...
