A pretty slick little arena with a dangerous hill. (It's designed to look like a lantern... but what that really means is that shooting out from the hill is a risky proposition.)
Heavily inspired by What Goes Up (M1). There is some texture alignment needed, and the bobs can be seriously annoying in net play, but this is a pretty well thought-out map. Most areas are vulnerable from multiple directions, and there are very few (if any) resting places. Keep an eye out for secrets... some of them can make inter-area travel much easier. Update aligns most of the misaligned textures.
An 8-level solo scenario, 5 net maps, a passel of physics models, and some films. This is a truly impressive piece of work, with very well-crafted levels, fantastic term and chapter art, and a load of cool features.
An extremely playable variegated arena. Lots of platforms, but jumping distances have been planned quite well, and the alert player can use pillars and tunnels as missile blocks quite effectively. The teleporters on the bottom bring you up to sniping positions on the outside pillars... anyone trying to stay on the low hill should keep a sharp eye out above.
A three-level solo scenario. A little rough around the edges (a few bad textures, that sort of thing), and a bizarre ending, but it's pretty playable. The disco's a hoot... check out the sign!