Wow, this one has a long history... It started life as a section of Bungie's M1 solo level Try Again. Butch created one of the best M1 Suicide levels ever by cutting off outside access to this ring... the original Killing Fields can be found in several packages, including Suicide Maps v.2.
Originally released as The Place of Two Deaths. Flow has been improved quite a bit, and the big weapons are very difficult to get. (Well, the flamethrower is. The SPNKR is only moderately difficult...) This is much more in the genre of the original Bungie net levels... high carnage requires skill, not just the blind ability to pull the trigger on a big gun. (Plus, it's very pretty to look at.) This (in both its forms) is our current favorite net level.
A two-arena map, with passageways between them. Might make an interesting two-hill level, but neither "hill" is specified as such... lots and lots of spanker action.
A very simple novelty level... one small room, lots of shotguns, a couple of SPNKRs, and lots and lots and lots of 3x canisters. Unless you're not careful, death rates should actually be pretty low... there are a minimum of 40 3x canisters at any given time.
5 levels, mostly ports from his M1 maps. Like most KR levels, movement is facilitated more by stairs, jumps, and teleporters than by platforms. Some nice touches (Piqued over has several nice hiding places, but don't try attacking from them...).
A simple solo level... two paths to go down, but no real ending. (If you kill everything, you have to just quit.) Should take a few minutes, at most... either you beat it, or you get tired of it.