Browse Files

Let Me Drown

Interconnected passageways and a small pool with goodies in it. The door controls introduce some nice flow oddities. Comes with a physics model that allows bullets and grenades to penetrate water.

Quarrel Quarry

Very big, with two distinct sections. There's an outdoor arena with some connecting passages for multiple entry points, and an indoor set of corridors that give you lots of corners to hide behind. A bit slow on 68K machines...

Ultra Series Elite Maps

10 maps, ranging from quite good to downright annoying. The first several have heavy emphasis on water. The last few are unplayable-we were getting framerates of less than 4/sec on ethernetted powermacs. With fewer aliens, less ammo, and less open space, they might be okay...

You're Going Down v1.1

Made with the flow concepts of Bungie's What Goes Up in mind. Pretty nice flow. Contains a pretty superflous crusher (docs say it's for the player who likes to hide in small rooms and shoot people who come in (I guess like the spanker room in What Goes Up), but who'd go into it after the first time?). Update adds a bunch of new features (new stairwell, a window, some minor tweaks).