Browse Files

Deliverance V1.2

The first three of several levels. Quite hard, but playable. Level three is based in the Deliverance penitentiary. Pretty nice layout... this scenario is really coming along.


The very beginnings of a Doom port. (Currently listed as v0.5.) Wait and see...

Roger's Map

Two levels (one finished, one mostly finished). Author worries they're too easy... he needn't have. A real strategy level. If you can't dodge, or you don't feel like you can leave a level until everything is dead, don't bother trying this... The end of the first level has a pretty creative use of hulks. (Who needs ammo, anyway?)

Stratum Interlude

Set between Arrival and Bigger Guns Nearby, this level expands on the Bungie storyline. Another strategy level-your only weapons are your pistol and your fist. Nice.


A large, rambling level with no real plot. Not really new-it was on the solo page because of a misunderstanding on my part... Best with at least four players. Comes with a film showing the sights of the level.

Training Maps

Four levels. Exactly what they sound like. Each level consists of a room with one or two specific types of aliens in it. The included physics model simulates a hydrogen-filled atmosphere-use your gun and die. The idea here is to get good at killing with just your fist, and to stay alive as long as possible. Just 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week, and you'll have a flatter tummy in no time.