Browse Files

Arena Extreme

A very large arena (author recommends 6 players). A little disorienting, but lots of open space.

Body Bagging v1.1

A nice arena, inspired by Thunderdome (the M1 level, not Bungie's).

Krier's Power Levels v1.5

6 levels. Newest level is vacuum. Some interesting touches. Best for folks who have mastered vertical aiming. Nice staircase in Double Helix.

Madd Ox/Hijacker

Two maps, sharing a texture installer (compatible with the other MC products, Canyonlands and Bobco, available here as well). The Madd Ox building is the author's work building, and it's really well done (love the 70's carpeting!). Hijacker is a solo map (3 levels) in which you play DB Cooper. The plane is great, and the final level uses Buskey's Master Wall very nicely. (This level is repeated, tweaked for net play.) Very, very classy.

Mower Maps

15 levels in two maps. A real grab bag. Some very nice maps, some almost novelty maps. Level 3 of the second set (Come See the Fights) is PowerMac-Only.