Browse Files

There Can Be Only One (HU)

Construction with this author just keeps getting better and better. No more of the single line walls, no more slow elevators. A large net level set with the pfhor textures. Some of the textures really tend to bleed but after a while I got used to it. Some pretty big arenas connected by stairs and or passageways. Good construction on the stairs, some strange ambient with this one. Pfhor set and I heard some bird sounds?????

Your Worst Nightmare

Probably the best from this author on todays page. Similar to There Can Be Only One, but a little bigger and different texture sets. Will support KtMwtB and EmfH.

Big, Slow Moving Elevators

Previously posted on the HyperArchive, but was lost due to the crash in April. This level is best described just by the title. There is no ball and there is no hill. Best for EMfH, or for practice against the aliens. You will need to practice your up/down aiming. (due to the elevators) Less that 5/6 players, might be slow.

Bowser Castle

This level is probably one of the neatest design's I have seen in a while. I took my time going through it, and finally decided that it was the 5D that made it so different. And, a 5D that is brilliantly disguised. A small hill that is surrounded by elevated lava pools. Access to the hill is via elevators. (this hill is tiny so be careful when firing the spnkr) Surrounded by 3 rings, one that surrounds the whole map which is bounded by landscape. The second one that is enclosed via windows to the hill. Some stairs and elevators give you a variety on this ring.

Everyone In The Pool

A little tough to describe this one. A kill everything level?? A incredibly large net level with a lot of pools and water?? Whatever you want to call this map, there is one distinction that it holds. This author has learned how to use media, and in some places he has learned it very well. Some of the rooms, (areas), have great design techniques. Some misaligned textures, some smearing in a few of the water pools, and a bunch of sprites. (some regenerate immediately). But as you explore all of the different rooms, outdoor areas, you get a appreciation for what the construction ideas compass...

Everyone Says

A very large open air arena built on the lava texture set. Reminded me of a combination of Route 66, and Thunderdome. Due to the size and a couple of other parameters, this one ran slow at times. Still a good KoTH map. The hill is loaded with weapons and a recharge. Will support EMfH as well.


A interesting large net level that at times is very tight. From the authors readme: "In this net level the hill is the lowest, middle polygon in the "bunker" ,which can be seen from outside from either of the two small arenas, and reached by the two, light textured hallways. This is also where the ball is located."

Moonlight Diner

A small net level built with the pfhor texture set. A hill surrounded by a lower ring. There are rings that elevate as they wrap around the middle square arena. Two transporters takes you to the hill...

Watch Your Back

Should have been called, check your aim. A small square net level that has elevators to a semi-ring. The ring will take you to a couple of rooms that lead off of it. The rooms are very tight with access by some very tight stairs. BE CAREFUL HERE! I suppose the name comes from the shield recharge. A great place to get nailed in the back as you try to recharge. Some interesting design ideas here. Would be best for EMfH.

Were War are in Dreams

A very large, square, open arena level. The arena has a medium sized square hill that is accessible via grenade hop from one of the rings. I haven't checked for teleporters yet. Two rings wrap around the arena that are both elevated. The very top ring will give you access to the hill and the middle ring is where the ammo/weapons were located. Made for KtMwTB, KoTH and EMFh. Less than 5 it will be slow so make sure you have a big group. Some good light sets and the third ring is constructed with inverted corners. (my description) I only found one dead end.

"Ready, set, Kill"

A basic 2 to 3 texture KOtH level. A square arena surrounded by a elevated ring. Access to the ring is via very fast elevators. Weapons are basically shotguns and should provide you with fast carnage. Read me states that it will support up to 8, you will end up with fists if you play with 5 or more.

Get The Hell Out of The Hill

A square arena with a partially enclosed ring that wraps around 2/3rd's of the square. Some transparent walls that lead to some secrets. Most of the ammo is located around the square with the weapons located in the arena. A water chute and a few other extras seem to slow down the flow, but a pretty good KOtH map. Only access to the hill is via a transport that is not too easy to find. Would work with a couple of other net modes but built for what the title suggests.

Lost in the catacombs

A large net level that is designed for KOtH. The title tells you what comes along with the arena, a small system of catacombs..that has a lot of 5D to it. Stairs lead down to the catacombs and the way down is quite crammed. (ceiling moving down along with stairs) Will support EMfH...

Storm Tower v1.1

A update of a previously posted map on the HA. This level now supports KOtH and KtmwTB. Still one of my favorites. Force fields that bounce you half-way across the map....and some other great effects...

Bloody Bodies Falling

A small net level that is crammed full of just about every construction idea possible. Stairs that go to transporters, doors that open to U shaped hallways, a very dark water room, a small hill with a small arena room that surrounds it, etc, etc. Don't even think about picking up the spnkr, unless you are going up to one of the sniper perches. Best set up for EMFH but will work with KOtH. Flow is constricted at times, but one that will provide for a lot of carnage. A bunch of polys , so be prepared.

Can't You Hit Me!

A very large water arena net level. In the area of flow, this one is the authors best yet. Way too many sharp angles that give you the bouncing feature. Some stairs, etc., not accesible in some areas which really slows down the game. Platforms, elevators and doors are very fast and really aide in the flow oif the level. A good bunch of good characteristics here mixed with some other ones that are not so good. Should provide large groups with some good carnage. EMfH fits the best.

Alternatives to Submission v4.1

I almost put this one in the small net map group, but it does have 8 starting points. Some very good detail put in to the design of this level. A medium sized net map that is probably best suited for EMFH. A exposed shield recharge, and some great tunnel passageways that reminded me of A Converted Church. Should provide for some fast and great carnage. Sounds were placed sparingly and the light sets were used in some really good places. Once you get the feel of the map the flow was pretty good. Visually a good effort.

Bordello of Blood

A very large net level that has some pretty good construction and design to it. Flow is good except in just a couple of small areas. Designed for EMFH, you will have to have at least 3 to 4 to keep it interesting. Very slow frame rates due to the line of sight, polys and sprites. (if you play it solo). Even on low res and 256 colors it gave low rates. Faster machines will help in this area to a degree. Visual effects are very good in some places, sounds are limited and the light sets were few but well placed. Again, a well constructed, linear, lay out, well worth the look.

It Is A Good Day to Die

A small network map with some interesting designs. Flow is slow to medium due to the dead ends and transporters. (your new location puts you facing a wall) A few texture alignment spots and some weird angles on some of the polys. Speed of this one could be faster with some polys shaved off. General idea is pretty good, check out the stair construction. Designed for EMFH, 4 is the max according to the author. I agree.

Lord of the Hill

Exactly like it sounds, a medium sized net map with a exposed hill that has access by one side to a half enclosed ring and accessed by the other side by some fast elevators. Fast map KoTH supported the best. Will support a few other net modes.
