Created by Unknown

Flying Fists v1.0

This map is huge! Vast area with KOTH ledge decidedly Large & includes a transporter, can get ammo & leap back onto Hill, cool! Interior great stairway, dark & creepy; maze offshoot from main floor of arena, perimeter walkways, another vast square area for in-your-face carnage. Well, it's HUGE! Could accommodate 10 or more players. Walk-through is absolutely essential! A complex & very interesting layout, check it out!

Rockets R Us

Simple Arena, five sides, four elevators, considerable ammo. Standard issue, could have some fun here.


Two fenced-in squares hovering high over the Lh'owon landscape. Each square contains a switch to activate your forcefield, other guy has same setup. You have a .44 period. Must be a hit switch turn & fire exercise.

Twin Dreams

A simple arena surrounded by (and intersected by) a cross-and-square built in simple 5D. Okay for small groups.

Pfhorgotten Pfhortress

A small arena with some surrounding corridors. Lots of secrets, but there's a film to show them to you. Flow isn't bad...

Bedknobs & Broomsticks

Very nice symmetrical level design-a sort of a helix design with some bulbs at the end. With aliens off, a fantastic small net level. With aliens on, a really nice training level... gets your shooting up to snuff around corners and in tight places.
