Created by Kirill Levchenko

Chisel 2.0.3

A great utility that allows you to draw circles and ovals easily on your map, it removes any unused lights, media and sound and, it now allows third party effects with the permission from the author. It still is able to move the entire level along the x, y and z axis. Update adds the effects folders.More info is available from his web page.

SyncFilm v1.0

This drag-n-drop film fixer will synch a film with the map it was made from. Good for those times when the proper map is present, but Marathon refuses to recognize it...

MapInfo 1.3.1

This is a really cool little tool of use to both mapmakers and players. Now works with both M1 and M2. Drop a map on it, and it'll create a text file containing lots of information about the map. Object info, lighting types, textureset, number of polys, number of platforms, number of points, total volume, and on and on... Use it for error checking (your map is crashing and you don't know why? Make sure the landscape texture you used is the one defined for the map. Want to make sure you haven't passed the 64 platform limit in your map? Save yourself lots of tedious counting with this. yadda...

Film Edit v1.0

Drop films on this program, and you can change team, color, and player name of any entry.

Term Installer 2.1

This is of use only to scenario makers. You can use it to make an installer that will install shapes, sounds, terms, STR# resources, splash screens, chapter picts, film resources, and custom icons, all in one swell foop. Horrendously useful... If you're making a big scenario, this will save you (and your users) more time than you want to calculate.

LiteEdit 1.0

A neat little tool for viewing, and printing the light levels for a given map. Quite handy.