Created by Bo Lindbergh

Fuxource v1.01

A tool for migrating changes made with Fux! back to the source code. Now your customized M2 or Infinity conversion can benefit easily from the advances in the Open Source builds! v1.0.1 fixes a small typo (that messed up the physics tables), adds the SMG shell casing, and moved all name lists to STR# resources.

Durandal Terminal Browser 1.4.3

A small app that allows you to browse all the terminals of Marathon 2 and Infinity-text, pictures, everything. Find the terms you missed the first time through. Read the messages you would have seen if you had gone back later... see Bungie's secret M2 term without swimming in lava. Latest update adds support for tag sections.

Hex 1.0.4

While Forge has a great visual mode, (one of it's strongest attributes) it still lacks a lot for creating and editing terminals. This version works with Infinity and fixes a few bugs with the earlier version... This update includes a requested manual. It also allows you to veiw picts from within Hex!! Latest update adds support for the recently discovered tag activation option in terms.

Marathon Map Splitter 1.0.7

Bo says it better than I would... from the readme: "Marathon Map Splitter takes a merged Marathon scenario file as produced by Forge and splits it into individual map, physics, and terminal text files for each level. It also extracts any resources into a "Terminal Picts" file. It is the exact opposite of the "Merge Levels" command in Forge. This lets you do things like peeking at other people's physics models (ever wondered how to make a potatoanus?), fixing the bugs in Blood Tides of Lh'owon, and converting old Pfhorte-generated scenarios." Another must-have for scenario builders! 1.0.1 ...

Marathon Music Exploder

A tiny program that's been around forever... just lost from this server. It will take a Marathon 1 Music file and split it into individual tracks, saved as quicktime movies.

Fux! 1.0.2

Are you making a scenario, and frustrated by the limitations of the Marathon Engine? Wish you could, say, enable your new weapon (which you've replaced the AR-75 with) on vacuum levels? Want to change the color shift under media? Fux! is your tool! It allows you around some of the hard-coded stuff in the Infinity application itself. (Also works with M2.) Warning-you can really screw up and crash beautifully with this program... be careful! In Bo's words, "If you don't get everything exactly right, you're fuxed."

Scalpel 1.0.2

Even better than IZD-this actually excises zero length lines from your map! Fix your maps forever, and obviate the need to run extra software when playing Marathon on a 68K machine.

Marathon Quicktime Recorder

This utility will allow you to save Marathon 2/Infinity films in Quicktime format. Requirements are a powermac and QT 2.0. Be warned that this will generate some very large files so it is recommended that you use a film editor to cut and paste so that you end up with the best parts

Infinity Saved Game Editor

Exactly what the title suggests. A editor utility to use with Infinity that allows you to take a saved game and change the parameters. More ammo, more health, etc.


A map that shows possibly the funniest bug ever found in Marathon. I found this map at Bo Lindbergs site and asked permission to post it. This map is nothing more that a visual display of what the bug is in Marathon. I personally have never seen it before. Pretty interesting and very observant to even find it!
