Created by Beer Can (Aluminum Cylinder)

Galactic COLOUR Landscape! v1.0

This is an absolutely spectacular "Space" landscape replacement for any Marathon Shapes file, in full and living COLOUR! The shot is a colossal sweep of the cosmos, as photographed by NASA.

:: Beer Can's :: "StarScape" Landscape v1.1

A very, very simple StarScape, created by :: Beer Can ::, to replace Bungie's "Space" Landscape (#4 in the Shapes file) with something that looks more "immediate"...and also more like a night sky you'd see from the deserts of earth.

Galactic Space Landscape v1.0

This is an absolutely spectacular "Space" landscape replacement for any Marathon Shapes file. The shot is a colossal sweep of the cosmos, as photographed by NASA.

Much Superior Grenade v1.1

On Bungie's "Grenade Launcher" sound: Having actually used a similar weapon "back in the day", I've always hated the standard "Grenade Explosion" sound in all flavours of Marathon. It's unrealistic, grating, lacks power. So I decided to change it. But, if you're not using headphones, the difference will probably not be as dramatic as you'd expect. Sound was created by combining the original Marathon grenade sound with a Dorf Bottle exploding (from Bungie's "Myth: TFL").