Browse Files

M'Netta Operation 2.5

This puppy's BIG. Also dark, with winding, twisting passages, and many many levels on top of each other. And bright, with open, airy areas with nice views. (Did I mention it was big?) Don't bother using your map... it's nearly useless. Engrossing, but watch the traps-you'll have to start from your last save if you get caught... Update fixes a few things that are funny, adds baddies, aligns textures... It's also not bright anymore. (It's at night.)

Why the Caged Bird SIngs

Lots and lots of baddies, and a wacked out ai who just got too tiresome to listen to after a while... Less ubiquitous use of the deaf/blind flag would make for a more interesting game.

Magnum Farce

This guy keeps putting out great solo maps. He still doesn't use terminals, but maybe someday... (send him mail). A lava-based level, with plenty of Fire F'licktas to keep things from getting too slow. Really well laid-out-in fact, my only complaint is the reliance on fake walls. (In a couple of places, there are openings that look like the surrounding wall. One I only found by accident... I was backing away from a droid and found myself in a new room.) As always, he's got timing down-when it's time to take a lava bath, you've got enough time to get in and out, but if you miss the le...

DMMC Scenario Preview

One level of the upcoming scenario release from the DMMC. If the rest of the scenario lives up to the standard set here, this'll be a beautiful piece of work. This is really, really nicely balanced. Flow is great, alien placement is great, there are no horribly misaligned textures... This level, by itself, is a lot of fun to play. As level 7 of an 13-level scenario, it's tantalizing...

Columned Fun

Huge, with lots and lots of baddies. More designed as a practice level, but It could, in theory, be used as a net level as well.

Lunar Fort

Short. Well built, but the baddies are too easy to kill... nice graphics.

2 Dollar Tour of Hell

3 solo levels, not a full scenario (the levels aren't linked together), and still in alpha phase (according to the author). Guess he never got around to finishing it...

"Pure of Heart, Brown of Trousers"

Another totally engrossing map from Tony Smith (Dad, Get Me Out of This and Rescue Bob!). Still no terms, but now he knows about Hex. There's one platform that'll take a bit of work to get on...

Drop Zone

Just a kill-everything-that-moves map... again, a good stress reliever.


2 levels. The AI's kind of fun, but the levels are a bit linear-even the maze parts.

Rescue Bob!

An amazingly engaging map-I found myself saying "Okay, just one more try" at least 15 times. Quite difficult, but satisfying to finish. Would benefit a lot from terms

The Kanjah Crisis 2.0

A pretty well thought-out level. There are a few annoying glitches, but nothing fatal (even on a 68K mac). A lot of running back and forth...

Land of the Small 1.1

A major update on a very early M2 map. The readme is actually included in a comm term... The biggest problem with this map is the lack of trigger polys. (I was able to run all the way through it at Normal without ever shooting anything-only about half the baddies even woke up when I came near.) Fire a shot, though... and you'll find out how hard mini-fire F'lickta can be!

Black Market Carnage

This one sets the standard for what a good solo level should be. From the opening effects to the final battle with troopers and droids, this map keeps the adrenaline flowing. If you're like me, there will be several battles you'll need to repeat, with different tactics, in order to finish. This one's not boring, not repetitive, not derivative. Play it, you'll like it.

Save Yourself... Kill Them All 2.0

A fun romp through a bunch of rooms... a couple of secret ammo dumps to find, and basically just a lot of carnage to keep you busy for a while. Update adds a couple of terms, courtesy of Hex!

"Dad, Get Me Out Of This!"

A really nicely designed level. No fancy lighting effects, but you'll be too busy staying alive to really notice... Documentation says Ignore Zero Divides is necessary for 68K users, but the map worked fine on my Q800. Crashed for the developer on an fpu-less 040, though...


This is in the same vein as 20 Minutes of Hell, for you M1 solo players. No plot (well, there is background in the readme, but it's mostly just window-dressing) - the point is to kill and stay alive as long as possible. A good stress-burner.

Free Fall

A pretty nice level with a mission. Get the repair chips... No terms, but a couple of very nice perks. Up to Bach's high-quality standard for solo maps... Cool beginning, nasty ending. (You'll see.)
