Browse Files

Olaf Fub 1.2

Four levels, although two are transition/informational. Some really cool tricks, and very high-quality map construction... but I had trouble getting into a level that's 50% underwater. Other than that one gripe, though... there is some really cool stuff here. Definitely worth the download.

Dawn of the Cyborg

A big, rambling solo level without very much to do. The author says it is his first Forge level, and he's testing ideas. Some are okay... but in general, it's a pretty slow level.

Hunter Chase

This map had real potential... level construction is fun, the new hunters give you a serious adrenaline rush, and the potential for future maps in the series is great... but it's too easy to lock yourself into a dead end. (I did it.) Most of the switches have delays... so it's easy to close a one-way door and still get through it, but you won't be able to come back. Oh, well... If you're careful what you open (and close), you should have fun.

Our Ancient School Days

A run-around-and-kill everything level. At least some of the bobs don't like you (which eventually leads to all of the bobs not liking you), but there's a big cyborg on your side. I found him to be pretty good at killing, when he found something to kill... but he was a little weak in search mode. Generally good construction... but save before you enter the final room. There's only one way to finish... and you only get one shot at it.

Osterberg Adventure 1.2

A three-level solo scenario, from someone who learned an awful lot from the likes of Bungie, Tony Smith, and Randall Shaw. The storyline's cohesive, though not pulitzer material... the levels are very playable. The near-constant juggernaut explosions add a novel lighting effect to the third level. Definitely worth a look. Update fixes a few missing or misaligned textures.


A very high-quality solo scenario (single-level). Great lighting, nice monster placement, and decent puzzles. (A bit linear-since every switch you throw opens a door somewhere else-but not at all predictable.) Fantastic use of lava F'licktas, which I hate, normally. If you get stuck, look very carefully through windows, wall openings, cracks... you might just see a switch or breakable panel.