Browse Files

Cluck Fest '96 v1.1

A small net map with only magnums and fusion pistols. The name is the basic description of the map. One secret....pack 'em in and you should have lots of carnage.

Creeping Death Maps v1.0

10 net levels that range from medium to large. Some very good design ideas along with some tricks. Fill 'ER UP was on of the best IMO. KOTH, EMFH work best with most of these maps.

Roy Batty

From the same author of "Well of Souls". This net level is a large square arena with a elevated exposed ring that runs around the edge. Another outer ring surrounds the whole map with some small notches and rooms along the way. Best suited for EMFH, KOTH and also get a real good physics model..."Watch Out Phatboy"..Design is basically good with some neat details along the way, flow is much better on this one...

The Well of Souls

A large to giant net map that has some very good details and design techniques. The overall flow is slow at times due to the dead ends that are at the different areas of the map. But, these notches in the wall, etc, are great hiding spots to pick off other marines as they come by. A isolated ammo room, has everything you need in the way of shield recharge and ammo, that is only accessed by teleport; along with some water pools, that have some pretty good rewards at the bottom, provide enough ammo for a large group. You will need 5-8 for this one.

Infinity Suicide Pak #2

From the same author, 29 levels and these are pretty well done too. Should provide you with some all out carnage.

Phatal Phred & Deadly MorPH

A remake of a bungie classic with some added tricks. The PM will give you all kinds of weapon delights, but, the aliens have been reworked as well!! So, beware.

Dirty Tricks v1.0.1 v1.0.1

A very good small circular arena with a lighted hill in the middle. It is enclosed but accessible by small, narrow doors from a outside circular ring. The outside ring is fairly wide, it will give you enough room for wide open carnage. 4 doors along the outside wall leads to ammo, a lowered enclosed ring, (this one is really tight vertically and horizontally), and a switch that releases a horde of hunters. A very good map and fast. The homogeneous type textures fits very well with this one. Will support EMFH and KOTH.

Breath of 1,000 Dogs v2.0

A large net level with some very interesting texture choices. The author used pattern buffers, etc. to texture some short walls and in some other key places. Again, some pretty neat 5D here, but done in good taste. (not too much) A few details gets in the way of flow, but still pretty fast. Check out this one in high res. Net modes supported, EMFH and a few others. A neat trick with invisible walls in the main arena.

Castle Carnage v1.0

A large net map that is just right for playing teams. Two castles spaced apart by a moat. Ammo and weapons are placed about inside each castle, with a 2x shield recharge on the top level. Some enhancements that will allow you to practice your missile jumping and if you need some work on spnkr firing, then try this one solo! You have jug's to fire at through the small openings from each castle. Great spnkr practice here. One of only two maps I have seen that work great with teams. Construction is good, hallways are tight so be prepared.

Pfhor Comes to Dinner

A small rectangular net level with a few small rooms that are connected to the main hall. Ammo and weapons can be found in the smaller rooms. Four pillars in the large room gives you something to hide behind but due to the size of this one, it would probably only hold 3 to 4. Ammo is tight so conserve. This author likes holes in the floor so be careful with your steps or you will get fried with lava. This is his first level and he is asking for feedback so take the time to email him.
