Browse Files

Another Brick in the Wall

Basically, two rooms, separated (and enclosed) by a wall wide enough to snipe from. There are also three lookout areas that don't seem to serve any purpose at all...


A port of You Don't Need to See My ID. Some hallways (claustrophobic in the M1 version) are now wide enough for three people abreast... and at least one semi-open room has become seriously tight.

EvenFlow v2

Three maps. A major Juggie in every one (well, at least one...). Despite that (does my bias against monsters in net levels show?), these are relatively playable... except for the first one. (DON'T leave the main arena...) The third one's actually quite intricate... Update adds a fourth level (pretty simple, but quite fun).

No Parole

Two maps. The first is also the new map in Evenflow2. The second is a seriously frenetic multilevel circular arena. Pretty nice use of Alien textures...


A large, (technically) symmetrical level, with open, well-lit spaces, dark rooms, and some tight maze areas. Good for bigger groups.


An M1 and M2 version of the Pacman maze. Very different feel to the two versions... too big, though, to recognize where you are until you go into map mode.

Smiley ID's Maps

5 levels. Very large, generally quite playable. Lots of symmetry, as well as a bit of carelessness (bad textures in places you don't go very often, etc). A couple are very pretty to look at, and a couple seem to use textures gratuitously (that is, there are texture changes that seem to be nothing more than an attempt to get another texture in).

The Splattitorium

A large, pretty arena with a raised hill and a waterfilled outer ring. Don't bother with less than four... you'll never kill anyone.
