Browse Files

Paint It Black

No Stones here but . . . what the hell??!! Drones! Everywhere! In your face! Tested this solo so maybe it just read solo & gave us the drones for diversion (Yeah, right!). No room to take a breath, use the 1x recharger, just fire for life! Don't see how this could be a playable Net Map. Please don't tell anyone but had to ratchet down to Kindergarten just to get a look see for this description. Damn! Ouch! Splat! Tab

Pfhor Victory

Sinking Ship. Find Data Chip. Capture Key Card. Transport off Starboard Rail, right! Or is that Left? Aft? Overboard? glub gasp glub PS Good Read Me, pay attention!

Polygonal Carnage

No frills, no read me, no pretty little icon but polygons fer sure! All connected. Water media. Could be kinda fun.

Rockets R Us

Simple Arena, five sides, four elevators, considerable ammo. Standard issue, could have some fun here.

Saniquarium (Infinity)

Rectangle with two stairways on facing sides. Stairs are good hidey holes. King of the Hill. Recommended 2-4 players, sez can possibly accommodate 8. Don't think so, pretty crowded. Arena play.
