Browse Files


6 Maps. A couple of these are big, but most can be played with small groups, so I classified it as Small. These are really good... They range from amusing (maps in the shape of people or fish) to addictive (Phort and Capture the Flag are great for team games). Very enjoyable.

Gillo's Gambit

A small arena, with lots of ways to die... There's always some fighting going on, wherever you are.

M2 Suicide v14

4 levels, all orginal. Some very nice twists on KOH-type games... and one that wouldn't work with two people (it's called Eyes in the Back of Yer Head, and you wouldn't need 'em without a third person...). Carnage rating-very high.

Net as Good as Sex

A small, simple arena with catwalks above sewage pits. The flamethrower takes a bit of flying to get. BTW sex is much better than sewage pits... but then I never met his wife!