Created by Unknown

Walcome Ta the Sock

Opening screen at term, photo of unknown doofus geek AI; gather ammo, check back for mission: 'Free the Lost Bob'. Transport into Error Land or Unable to Read Land. Crashidy boomidy splat

Carnage is the Right Way

Carnage, so apt a name for this little exercise. Ammo up the wazoo, but you can expire! Another test of your skills, Marine!

Get Up!

A Quad with multiple upright pillar-type thingys to hide behind and some really mean spirited Troopers; this should satisfy two players easily, probably three would be okay, four would be a crowd.

Chris 1

Arena play doesn't get more straightforward than this map. Ledges for sniper shots, what appears to be a crusher in the middle but no luck in activating. No rechargers, no frills.

Paint It Black

No Stones here but . . . what the hell??!! Drones! Everywhere! In your face! Tested this solo so maybe it just read solo & gave us the drones for diversion (Yeah, right!). No room to take a breath, use the 1x recharger, just fire for life! Don't see how this could be a playable Net Map. Please don't tell anyone but had to ratchet down to Kindergarten just to get a look see for this description. Damn! Ouch! Splat! Tab

Circle Of Doubt

Large inner circle with surrounding stairs leading off to four corner rooms/areas where weapons & ammo can be picked up. Stairs for ammo also. Central area of circle continually raised Compilers upon entering, only alien to be seen. 2x canister. Probably would work as KOTH or tag.
