A large, concentrically built map, with rings of passageways around a central force-fielded square. Comes in two flavors, with the second map being an expanded version of the first. Nice construction, and good flow all around...
No Read Me here but this map is really, really dark! Trying to stay alive while using map key and avoiding some Bobs who may or may not be helpful coupled with kicking a few Pfhor butts along the way to say nothing of your opponent . . . and then in the middle of it all there's this really pissed off Jugger! Beside a Pattern Buffer! Go figure. We liked it! A lot!
Square Arena, Lava Pit in center with rising pillar controlled by switch, outer raised ledges. Transport gets you into pit so the trick is to... 2-4 players we think.
Arena play doesn't get more straightforward than this map. Ledges for sniper shots, what appears to be a crusher in the middle but no luck in activating. No rechargers, no frills.