Created by Raul Bonilla, Alexander Seropian, Thomas Barth, and Mike Schapiro
Contains 19 MP3 Tracks for use with M1A1 by Raul Bonilla. Drop these into your M1 Tracks folder.
"Seropian MP3s" contains 8 original Marathon MP3 Tracks by Alexander Seropian, stereo enhanced.
"Tobacco MP3s" contains 8 remixed Marathon MP3 Tracks by Thomas Barth, better than originals.
"MuShoo MP3s" contains 1 custom Marathon MP3 by Mike Schapiro. It also has 2 original Marathon MP3s played backwards, resampled by Raul Bonilla.
Aleph One SDL/MAC is required.
M1A1 for SDL/MAC also required.