Created by Forrest Cameranesi
The fifth and penultimate release of the Eternal project, an epic and ancient scenario eight years in the making. This is a disambiguation page linking to the six separate distributions, in different sizes and for different platforms.
The first release of the Eternal project, an epic and ancient scenario eight years in the making, to be released in six parts. This version features high-res (512x512) textures - other resolutions available.
The first release of the Eternal project, an epic and ancient scenario eight years in the making, to be released in six parts. This version features medium-res (256x256) textures - other resolutions available.
The first release of the Eternal project, an epic and ancient scenario eight years in the making, to be released in six parts. This version features low-res (128x128) textures - other resolutions available.
A simple map, filled with lots and lots and lots of bobs... some of which are explodabobs. The SMG comes in really handy in picking off the right ones... and there's plenty of ammo to keep you going.