Created by Erik Adams

Casual Slaughter

Could also be called 'lost in space'. Tricky map good for 3-4 players with room & ammo enough for eight. Eight sided center arena with stairs & passageways all over the joint, feeling of walking in space but walkway materializes as you go. No rechargers or teleporters. Elevators here & there and Pfhor for solo play. Lots of running around, complex design for Arena play.

Gen Pfhorteen

A wonderful map that is a simple, basic and a visually stunning design. Great use of textures, great use of sounds and flow is generally very good. Object placement is thought out and this level will support large groups as well as small groups due to it's size. Check this one out and make sure to email the author and let him know what you think. Net modes supported-KoTH, EmFH.