Created by Darius Gilder

Shadow of Death v1.1

Extremely Thunderdome-like. Choice of textures gives the map a gentrified feel... small enough that carnage should be very, very high. Update fixes some lighting bugs, and tweaks ammo. Like all Carnage Inc. levels, this can also be found on the author's web page.

Agitation Arena

A big open-air arena, with enclosed killing rooms containing teleporters to sniper ledges. Simple, sweet, lots of ammo...

Shadow of Death

Thunderdome flashbacks here!! Textures are quite different and it is small enough that there should be a lot of carnage.

Death Rotunda

A standard arena with sniper positions reachable by easy-to-fall-off-of elevators.


A pretty slick little arena with a dangerous hill. (It's designed to look like a lantern... but what that really means is that shooting out from the hill is a risky proposition.)

Spanker Mania

This is what you'd get if you combined Everyone's Mortal with Thunderdome, then shrunk the result to 25%... a small, SPNKR-filled arena with spastic elevators and very little room for error. Expect to die a lot...

Fast and Furious

A straightforward multilevel arena (modified cross-and-diamond), with breathing rooms. Ammo will be tight for longer games.


A simple KOH map with protected "forts" at each end of the arena. Works best for 2-player games, or small teams.

Pit of Death

A small outdoor arena with a gazebo-like hill and a raised outer ring. Nice lighting, and nice play on most machines, due to the small number of polys. (The hill is a bit hard to take at low-res.) Watch the long games... you'll be left with nothing but spanker and shotgun ammo after a while.

Darius's NetMapPack

6 maps, mostly variations on Bungie's arena levels (M1 and M2). The biggest influences are Thunderdome, House of Pain, Everyone's Mortal But Me, and Waldo World. Generally nice construction, and plenty of weapons.