Created by Alexander Skov

Gladiator Station

A tight level, space station? Lighting is very nicely done - dark, but plenty of detail. Some really fun eye candy. A save term (very odd for a net level!). Unmerged on purpose, so you can add whatever physics you like. More weapons and ammo than you can shake a pfhorstaff at. Be careful with that SPNKR... you're more liable to hurt yourself than you enemies!

Stadious Maximus

A huge, sprawling, dark level. Flow isn't as smooth as it could be, due to lots of water areas with limited exits, but once you learn the layout, you should be able to get around fine. Merged with a custom physics model called 'Cyborg Standard' that beefs up both the baddies and the weapons. Pretty hard on normal, as a practice level... pretty sparse, netwise, with less than three players. You gotta love that second trigger on the SMG, though... BLAM!