Browse Files


A single-level solo scenario. (Designed as a 2-level project, the second level never got finished... but the map still won third place in the EMR mapmaking contest.) Lots of tricky areas, make sure you save when you can. Takes good advantage of the EMR textures and monsters... will keep your blood flowing!


An extremely engrossing single-level solo romp with an amazing attention to detail. Everything, from the cool physics tweaks, to one of the best ship incarnations to date, spells quality. Fantastic.


A very enjoyable 3-level map. Nice construction (although a map this polished could do with a bit more eye candy), good layout, interesting story (although it falls apart a bit at the end). A definite player. This map took Second Place in the EMR mapmaking contest.


An overhaul of one of the solo levels from Excalibur: Morgana's Revenge, reworked to be playable by itself. If you find yourself fighting without any weapons, you probably went the wrong way at the start. Look around, there's a lot here! Very enjoyable single-level map.

Siege of Crumus'mar Demo v1.2

A four-level preview of an upcoming scenario, plus 2 net maps. This is being released for Aleph One because the mapmaking's complicated enough that Infinity can't handle it (long line-of-sight errors).


A pretty simple, two level scenario. Start of a scenario, maybe. The author says if folks are interested, he'll continue. No terms (he can't get them to work), and some problems (untextured sides, no monster triggers, that sort of thing) but the mapmaking shows promise. Worth a look if you're looking for a scenario to join!

Kobayashi Maru

This map seems to be very similar to the version released 3 years ago, except the sounds patch is quite a bit bigger. The map very similar, and the shapes patch is identical... the level is still in the spirit of the test it takes its name from.

Polyus Maximus

A 1023 poly experiment. It started as a test of the limits of the Aleph One engine. It ended as a very playable single level solo map.

Mission: Improbable

A one level sequel to Legacy of the Tsirc (well, three if you count the info levels at the beginning and the end). J.R. Dobbs is back, as spacey as ever...Laundry ticket? You have to retrieve a laundry ticket? Goodness. Physics tweaks make gameplay amazingly addictive... the hyped-up drones and the seriously dangerious MOAH are good examples. Visuals, are, as per usual for Gloops, stunning. Another winner.

Codex Atlanticus: The Director's Cut

The original version of this map won the Nardo Mapmaking Contest. It was damn good then. It's a whole new ballgame now. The final level in the original, almost a placeholder, is now a full-blown, jaw-dropping piece of work all by itself. Glitches in the first two levels have been ironed out. The storyline, solid before, is now fleshed out, typo-less, and engrossing. Two out-of-the-park homeruns in two days... This guy's someone to keep an eye on.

UESC Duodenium v1.2.1

An extremely enjoyable 2-level scenario. Lighting is great, gameplay is fantastic (I hate those spnkr bobs!), the touches are wonderful. (Check out the Commander's diary...)

Codex Atlanticus

A beautiful 3-level solo scenario, winner of the Nardo Mapmaking Contest. Bugs are minor (I got stuck on a couple of platforms, terms could use a bit of editing, just little stuff), gameplay is major. If you approach this without thinking, you're gonna die. A lot. If you plan your attacks, and figure out patterns... you're gonna have a blast. While the scenery and attention to detail is astounding (I still can't get over how gorgeous the Tempus Irae world is, and what you can do with it), don't stop and look when you get to a place... you'll die. Kill stuff first, THEN look around. (And if...


A followup to Mare Ceti and an entry into the Nardo mapmaking contest, this is a beautiful level that gets a bit ambitious in its storyline. Eye candy all around... and one of the first maps I've seen to make use of the ultra-cool tool, Cinemascope. (Whoa, too many links in one description.) Get this: it won't take you that long to finish, but it's fun.

Jingle Bobs v1.1

If you thought the extra cut on the M2 cd was fun, DOWNLOAD THIS MAP! The Bob Boogie Choir performs Jingle Bells, in all it's gory! (No, that wasn't a typo.) Had me rolling on the floor! (It's only 47K, c'mon, download it!) v1.1 adds a couple of nice touches: the bodies don't disappear after death, and you're killed off when it's over, so you can play it again without quitting.

Another Lift Test

A really simple map... two rooms, one above the other, with a totally open lift running between them. Yup, you read that right... totally open. A platform open on four sides on two levels? You're just gonna have to download it to see for yourself. Mike built this with the latest version of Chisel and some ideas from Jason Harper. Get it, use it, make cooler maps.

One Way Halls

A simple example showing how to exploit a marathon bug to make hallways one way.(That is, you can pass from east to west, but not from west to east.) It's quite effective as a demonstration, but if you choose to use it in a real map, you'll need to polish it up- I was able to (by accident) crush myself in one of the controlling polys. Potentially quite useful in guiding a player to do things in a specific order.

Escape!! v1.01

This was my first, 7-level scenario, and a moderate success. I've been told it's fun to play and has a good storyline, but some of my level design is simple. The Pfhor levels, in particular, aren't really Pfhor-like. Still worth the download.

Frame Example

A very nice example of a technique first showcased "the Battle Cat's World Tour Netpak" - Multiple textures on a single wall. Framing might just be one of the best uses of this technique to come to light so far.

Marathon Calculator

A rather intricate technique that uses the marathon engine as a binary calculator to add two numbers. Its limit is 31 (as the total), and because the actual mechanism is shown, there's a long walk between the calculator and the answer... but it's amazing what you can do when you're free for the summer. (Really, really detailed explanation.) Definitely worth a look if you're curious about how far the engine can be pushed for non-standard tasks.

Bob vs. Godzilla

In the spirit of Jason Harper's "Heartbeat" comes another "cutscene" level that you can add to your scenario. Or not. It's definitely worth watching, though... and the vistas opened by this pair of maps are pretty wide. C'mon... it's only 15K. Check it out!
