Browse Files

Lego Land v1.0

A smallish map that looks bigger because of the confusing choice of textures. (Doors don't always look like doors, especially if you're under the influence of the relatively common IR powerup.) Nice flow, though... comes with a film. The minibobs and pfhor can be pretty annoying until you kill 'em all...

Like Water Through My Hands

Arena type, spacious with water medium & crosswalks/stairs. Mercy transports if you fall in water. Trouble with ammo registering, but start shooting those dumb Bob's (activate as it were) and things get better. Bob's also become more deadly. Should give you a run for your money. Minor problem with some sounds, can be worked through.

Marathon Greatest Hits v1.0

25 great levels spanning the whole marathon experience, collected in one place and tweaked to play properly in Infinity. Superb... get this collection if you're looking for a netpack to keep your group busy for an afternoon, or a week. Full credit to the original authors in the readme.

Medium Rare

Rectangular Arena play here on Medium Rare, package contains two maps. First piece of ammo/goodies you pick up is the old Fish Eye. Will make play interesting maybe. Designed with only two players in mind. Probably could support more. Damn Elevator is the second map. Elevator is very tight, very limited. Definitely for two players only.
