Browse Files

Hostile Takeover final version

Well, here's someone to keep track of! Concept of "Corporate America" in Space as Terminals speak of/depict our typical screwed-up, downsized, can't get it today, it's out-of-order and on and on Company. Laughed so hard this description writer almost fell off the chair! Thank goodness for some very good humor and an excellent and very much fun to play scenario. Ten levels with the last, well, you'll see! Mr. Simciak tells us he took two years to complete and the preciseness and attention to detail shows it.

Keep Running v1.0

Somewhat of a square map with hidey holes. Author says he designed on his laptop, no easy task. A few scattered Pfhor for practice runs. Supports 8 players as that is how many are in Allen's group. Good mobility, no rechargers, one life canister to be seen.

Keep the Home Fires Burning

This one's a keeper, one of the best. A five-level scenario (six, if you count a little cutscene level) with superb mapmaking, beautiful architectural touches, great flow and monster placement.

Labyrinth Ch.2;Not Doing Well 2

A v2 to the first Labyrinth Map here on the Archives. The Japanese artwork is gorgeous. Of course Mr. Yasuda lives there! Normally when we see Labyrinth we run screaming for the airlock! And, a labyrinth and a Vacuum level, how cool is that! A three level scenario with the first being an information/transport level. When you get to the real deal & bring up the Map, if you don't gasp in awe at the complexity you're not grasping the situation here! But surprise surprise . . . this baby moves right along, plenty of air.

Last of the Humans Part III

Well, how'd he do dat? This Scenario will eat up the better part of an afternoon and then some. It goes on and on and one just can't give up! The author certainly has a way with map making. As this is only one level it's hard to believe, it is such a gigantic area, could have been broken down to several levels. But you will return here, return there, and keep going. A real challenge from Mr. Murphy. Good Job! Very playable, but oh those damn little drones, couldn't you just kill them??!!

Let's Swim in the Pool v1.2

What a Map Maker this fellow is! We're still in somewhat of a Labyrinth mode, not too much though. The changes in textures and structures from very tall edifices to sewage swims to lava jumps is quite extraordinary, very well thought out. This scenario will keep you moving, decimating aliens and looking for a couple of very elusive chips. Switches galore! And they all function (in their time) to open this Map for your "solve the puzzle" pleasure. The story is middle-of-the-road but fits the scenario.

Marathon NJ

Another solo level in the continuing Marathon Earth series. A nifty shapes patch along with the innovative style that this author has now come to be known for makes this one a definite download.

Marathon: Assault

Read Me states two maps that have been lying around on the author's hard drive a long time. Author says there's a lot of bugs, smearing, and the story is incoherent. There are not two maps in fact, but one (and a minor transport), maybe to a semi-second level. Crashed the old Mac towards the end. We will have to stick with the author's assessment.

Millenium Tower v1.0

Author states this is a work in progress, spent a year working on it but was mostly involved in learning Forge during that time. Effort sure shows! This is a terrific, spacious, & complex map. Aliens & sounds to be added, soon Ted says. Hope so, cries out for same. All the elements are here: basement, tower, elevators, transporters plus a Terminal that . . . suffice to say, Be Very Careful! Too funny! Recommended for 4-8 players. If you enjoy, please let the author know, think he needs to hear.


Strange. Weird. Author's Read Me calls out Ticks & Blood and 3-D portals, huh? Saw a tick, looks like those singing/whistling flying uglys to this player. No terms, no saves, no nothing, nada, zip. But the Map in itself is laid out well. On Total Carnage you can almost kill yourself firing that little old .44 at the tick. Whas happening Sylvain?
