Created by Unknown

Pfhorgotten Pfhortress

A small arena with some surrounding corridors. Lots of secrets, but there's a film to show them to you. Flow isn't bad...

Bedknobs & Broomsticks

Very nice symmetrical level design-a sort of a helix design with some bulbs at the end. With aliens off, a fantastic small net level. With aliens on, a really nice training level... gets your shooting up to snuff around corners and in tight places.


Nice little Map but . . . Good ammo, small challenge, nice layout, usual cast of aliens . . . then the wheels fall off. At the only Term. At what appears to be the end. It's the damnable ceiling, & then Mr. Mac gives you an error message. We think we finished.

Chucker Brawl

Another keeper. Large Arena with perimeter passageways for ammo, 1x & 2x, a couple of elevators, garden pathways. Supports KOTH, Ball, with a sniper outcrop to die for. Up to 8 players and is loaded with mean & nasty aliens for whiz bang solo play; includes a Jugger right there, in the middle of it all! Go ahead, fire your Launcher!. Remember, the Sph't are on your side. At some point lay back & watch everybody duke it out in middle of the Arena, too funny!

Greg Nelsons Adventure

No Read Me with this game, however, from the Term text we suspect English is not the first language. Pack your fusion pistol for this exercise in mucho water, sewage, wet wet wet. A 3 level scenario with transport from the second level, and thanks at that term, to a "little space ship", this player thinks this was the end. Basically a two level game. If you like fusion action & fruitless attempts to utilize your rocket launcher effectively, this one's for you. Not a bad design, just very wet!


Explore the swift moving waterways, give thanks for Mercy Transports, listen to Durandal, who promises no ammo, swim like a fishy. Surprisingly there's a hidden Pattern Buffer here and an additional term you see in passing by "rapid"ly. This INF style exploration does have an end.
