Created by Unknown

Coyotu Szenegua!!

The first & last thing you hear with this Map Maker's effort, "Hey, Let's Kill BOB!". If you like to Kill Bob, this is for you. No progression, no end, just Kill Bob! Sufficient ammo for the job, but like Bobs everywhere, they just keep coming & coming & coming!

Claustrophobolis V1.0

This map is very claustrophobic. Lava pit but you can walk on it. Elevators to no particular place. Corridors with no straight shots to be had. You might like it if you like suddenly rounding corners to . . . . Blam!

Circle Of Doubt

Large inner circle with surrounding stairs leading off to four corner rooms/areas where weapons & ammo can be picked up. Stairs for ammo also. Central area of circle continually raised Compilers upon entering, only alien to be seen. 2x canister. Probably would work as KOTH or tag.

Chris 1

Arena play doesn't get more straightforward than this map. Ledges for sniper shots, what appears to be a crusher in the middle but no luck in activating. No rechargers, no frills.

Carnage is the Right Way

Carnage, so apt a name for this little exercise. Ammo up the wazoo, but you can expire! Another test of your skills, Marine!

Carnage Into Darkness

No Read Me here but this map is really, really dark! Trying to stay alive while using map key and avoiding some Bobs who may or may not be helpful coupled with kicking a few Pfhor butts along the way to say nothing of your opponent . . . and then in the middle of it all there's this really pissed off Jugger! Beside a Pattern Buffer! Go figure. We liked it! A lot!

Bigger Jumping

Level is called 'Bungie Jumping', but just jumping will do it . Circular map with small cubbyholes all up and down the outer walls of circle, contains the ammo as does floor. Probably 2 players would do it & then it's stand there & take it like a man! Should have an itchy trigger finger to play. Blam!

Barney's House

A series of squares & rectangles connected by halls, water elevators; very dark effect. No terms, no Mission. May be a first effort by author, keep going! Play Marathon! Plus, we love the name Barney!

Bad Dog

A very precise polygon with raised crosswalks connecting sides, not all that much ammo, didn't see any recharger. One catch, those drones again. They tend to snap hidden doors shut just when your aim is sure. Damn! This could be a really good ride if you like arena-type maps with a few tricks thrown in.
