Created by Unknown

Get Up!

A Quad with multiple upright pillar-type thingys to hide behind and some really mean spirited Troopers; this should satisfy two players easily, probably three would be okay, four would be a crowd.


Two fenced-in squares hovering high over the Lh'owon landscape. Each square contains a switch to activate your forcefield, other guy has same setup. You have a .44 period. Must be a hit switch turn & fire exercise.

Flying Fists v1.0

This map is huge! Vast area with KOTH ledge decidedly Large & includes a transporter, can get ammo & leap back onto Hill, cool! Interior great stairway, dark & creepy; maze offshoot from main floor of arena, perimeter walkways, another vast square area for in-your-face carnage. Well, it's HUGE! Could accommodate 10 or more players. Walk-through is absolutely essential! A complex & very interesting layout, check it out!

Flash Point

Read Me tells of secrets, a seasoned map maker with a half dozen maps out there. Asks for feedback via email, but hey, no address, no tickee! This is a beautiful map with KOTH play, wherein the Hill is actually a moving platform, tuff! Flick'ta in water canal. This is a large double layered square; perimeter area/walkway outside, and a medium size square with Hill, columns everything you'd want, inside. Comes with a Physics model: Full Throttle. Handsome, playable map.

Eternal Warfare

Large arena, Read Me says best for KOTH, Hill is dead center with lower levels having transporters to sniper slots, ammo... you can leap onto Hill. Comment: when you bring up Map on +++ it is full of religious messages, author's statements/observations on all things Jesus & God 'spelled backward is Dog' kinda stuff. It is kind of yin & yang as you get these messages & then try to KILL your friends in a most dastardly & vicious way! What is that all about???

Down Town

An early effort, basically a Kill Bob solo level. Appears to be no solution but to kill the "little guy", yep, those little ones again.


Two levels, first one is 'Contact'. Twisty with switches to get you around. Terminal has no explicit mission, just come back here when finished, with a cc: aliens. Lava surrounding central area with walkways to various places; maze, crusher room, etc. We killed everything we thought & wore out action key but to no avail. Term text remained the same. Next step: cmd/cntrl 2. Called 'Just Survive' and it's great fun! What a bunch of sorehead aliens!

Death By Accident v1.1

Pretty good layout here. Should have considered calling it 'Snipers R Us' because you will have a good time lobbing volleys through all the slots provided. A few Phfor for solo play, lava areas, teleporters. This is not a simple map by any means, tag would be terrific, fast & furious!

Danny's ƒ Level

We suspect a Map Maker in the making here. A kill map with sufficient & sudden transport to keep you from getting bored. Bobs blow up nicely and nobody's too mean. Good Work by, we suspect, Danny.


Three map levels with No. 1, Dalbom's Street 4, a very complicated layout with basic Arena type play, central area full of nooks & crannies inside & outside that changes from water medium to clear & back. Aliens galore including those teeny guys of every stripe, making this a rapid run for solo play. Supports a multitude of players. Fast! Good! No. 2 is DINO Dungeon, very confined & rather than a Dungeon, appears to be a house, has furniture & a lovely yard full of Juggers. Aliens for solo play. May support four, but a tight arena-type area. Three is River of Pain.
