Created by DcBob (Johannes Gunnar)

Hail to the Hammer v1.0

You ever wanted to change the layout of the whole map while in game? well, now you can!

Pfhew Hours and Fifteen Years 2.0

a map with high and low areas and platforms to reach them, this map can be pretty tricky but with some practice you'll get hold of it.

Space Fries v1.0

An arena type of map that works kinda like thunderdome. With the map comes a physic model called Carnage Fries and I suggest you to use it cause it can get really fun in multiplayer. Is probably insane. :)

The Great Temple of Madness 1.0

A very small map with two stories, the basment and the outside area. Well maybe not area, it is too small to be called an area. So yeah, this is tiny.

Diving High Nuts 1.0

A map with three pools and one of the pools acting as a hill. You can choose, climb up for more guns or climb down for the hill.

Kito Carnage 3.0

An update of an old map of mine! Kito Carnage, actually my first map available on the Internet back in the old days!

Kaboom-a-world 1.5

A big circular open map with a hill in the middle and buttload of assimilated BoB's falling down on your shoulders. Can you make it to the hill?

DcBob´s Map Pack v1.0

This is a little collection of netmaps that i have been storing on my HD for some time now, so ignore the creation date cause i don´t remember when i did this. This map pack includes the maps:

- Dogfight Netpack (9 level netpack)

- The Great Temple Of Madness

- Jungle Tech

I dont remember the names of the maps in dogfight netpack but this netpack is not the same version as can be found in the archives at, this version has 2 minor bugs fixed. I hope you enjoy my creation.

***End Of Transmission***
