Browse Files

Basic Missions

Basically what you have here are 7 levels that describe, "visually" , what the different types of levels are in Forge. Everything from Extermination to Repair, Rescue, etc.. A couple of unsed modes are discussed and addressed in these levels. A great visual tool for those wanting to learn mapmaking. Thanks to this author for taking the time to help others.

The Rock 1.1

A two-level solo map that is a great adventure. The first level is informational only, with a pretty good design idea. The second level is the main battleground for the story. You end up on a listening post and you have to activate.....well, I won't spoil it for you. The last terminal had a few problems for me, but other than that, this is a good map! Very well designed and I was impressed with the stair construction. Flow is good and lights are done well. For the authors first attempt not bad at all.