Browse Files

a clump of rump dumplings

While on IRC the other evening, some of the DoubleAught crew asked if they could send this to me. After spending some time going through some of the levels, I finally decided that I could describe it and post. (you'll understand when you get it) It wasn't until this evening that I had a chance to catch Randy and/or Greg on IRC again. ( I was trying to find the author) They gave me the info I needed and I present tonight this new collection of net levels, titled as is. 25 levels that have some of the most bizarre construction to some of the best construction I have seen. Some of these level...


A very large, KoTH net map that has multiple rings along with multiple "psuedo" arenas. You will need to take some time with this one or you will miss some of the details. Very tight angles and entry's make this one a carnage blaster. Built with the lava texture set, flow is pretty good and object placement seems to work well.

Whirl Womb

A medium sized water arena that is based on the water texture set. This level supports 2 to 8 players with all modes of net play supported. The speed of the media should help you keep alive in this small arena. There is a terminal that is explained via email to the author. Make sure to check all heights in the middle reservoir...