Browse Files

5D Madness

A three-level 5D map. Once you get the hang of it, the flow's great. Mapmaking detail is pretty nice, as well... great for small to medium sized groups.

Alhambra v1.1

A huge, wide-open, nicely-built killing area. Weapons and ammo come in clumps... so if you want a particular weapon, you also get lots of ammo for it. Also comes in Evil and Tempus Irae flavors.

Carnage Soccer Ultimate

4 maps, all based on the same idea as DoubleAught's Carnage Soccer. Some nice twists, here...

Castle (infinity)

A large map based on (you guessed it) the design of a medieval castle. Weapons are in outer rooms, one weapon (and its ammo) to a room. The center has four chip insertion slots, for opening up the great hall. Beware of falling ceilings, though... Also available in an Evil flavor.

Circle of Carnage

Pillars, lava river, lots of ways to die. There are a couple of elevated rooms off the sides, with 2x rechargers in 'em... careful, 'cause they're guardable. (Also watch for a weird bug if you leave too fast... you can end up in a glass cage at the bottom of the stairs.)

da BOT

A sprawling arena with a couple of surrounding corridor rings.Nice looking... but the outer ring is a bit large (you'll be running a long way from opening to opening).

Did you just shoot me with that?

Tight, almost claustrophobic corridors, lots of teleporters, and bobs everywhere. Easy to kill a few by accident (and then your friends aren't the only ones out to get you...).

Die Hard v4.0

A small ring, with a tiny area in the center. Travel between the two is via teleporter... well, travel into the center is via teleporter. (Travel out is via dying.) It's not as lopsided as it sounds... the windows open and close at weird intervals. It's pretty simple to nuke yourself trying to shoot someone in the center.


A multilevel arena. With aliens on, you're gonna be spending most of your time fighting ticks.

Evadere v1.0

A large level, with architecture reminiscent of the author's Alhambra. A bit darker, though... and with more indoor space. The author has suggested a somewhat unique solo method of play-see the readme for an URL with details.

Fever Tag (infinity)

A dark arena with some sniping areas around it. A straight port of the M2 version.

Flame Pits v1.0

A large, open level with ledges leading to a central hill, all surrounded by lava moats. If you fall in, find an edge near the hill... you're not toast yet. Also available in an Evil flavor.

Flame Pits v2.0

A large open area with 4 lava-filled pits. Switches on the outside edge control the lava height... and the aliens that can nail you. Best as KOTH, but playable as EMfH.

Flame Pits v3.0

Another variation on the Flame Pits theme. Also comes in an Evil flavor.

Flame Pits v4.0

A central covered arena, with a surrounding lava moat and a second arena above. Judicious use of 5D space to supply a nice quantity of carnage space. Also available in an Evil flavor.

Flame Pits v5.0

The most complicated (and in some ways, the prettiest) of the Flame Pits levels. Very nice flow, once you get the hang of it... before that, it's easy to toast yourself running out a doorway on the outer ring. Also available in an Evil flavor.

Flow from the Sky

A simple, square arena enclosed by a wall. Access to the wall is gained by climbing the water towers... but the towers can be enclosed in solid columns. Careful if you're going up, and someone's near the switch! Also available in an Evil flavor.
