Browse Files

Shower room fun

What the . . . It's a Shower Room! Read Me states first Map that ever worked. Brian, keep going, Map Making is a life experience, ask the pros.


Let's hear it for goofy! Your AI 'Roy' has his picture in the term; a plate featuring two fried eggs and a couple of curly bacon strips, looks happy to us! This scenario is funny! Opening music, 'Space Cowboy' by the worst Steve Miller impressionist you ever heard (ow!). And the Map is very good, interesting, convoluted to a certain extent, but Fun! A prison where they let the prisoners keep their weapons, oh yeah, that's a good idea! Describes the main bad guy, a Hunter, as looking like a "big Smurf on Crack". Two levels here. Highly recommended, lots to do.


There are possibilities with this Map Maker's scenario. Handsome opening screen, articulate term's (from Germany), great English. Layout is imaginative, especially if you like sewage, old mining facilities, prisons and a designated takeout target. Watch out for that leftover gravel crusher in case you forget to carry an exit chip! Advice in a term, 'wear your helmet". Believe it!

Spiral Hell

One level but crammed full. A challenge if you have lead feet. Term info is somewhat ragged but one can follow. Explore and establish power links is primary mission. Aliens are very aggressive so watch out. AI is not identified but encourages you with "hurry" and like terms. A good little, or not so little, scenario for INF.

Square Dancing

A big square room, with lots and lots of explodabobs. If this sounds like fun, go for it.


Odd. A whole series of levels where the object is to kill Bob... kill enough of 'em, you win. They don't seem to be linked in any way (except for a few pairs), so you're on your own, weaponwise. (That is to say, kill or be killed with your magnum and your fists.) Addictive, nonetheless...


So . . . how can such a simple little Map be so difficult!? Read Me is sans info so you're on your own. And those platforms, so annoying with their Up&Down maneuvers! A terminal that speaks of getting to the "Garden", huh? Try it. A puzzle for INF fanatics.


Opening screen is the VidMaster's Challenge pict. But it's not particularly hard. A fairly straightforward Map with a few challenges, mostly switch sequences. Story lacks direction but this is said in the Read Me. Herr Kieselbach is in Berlin, ain't it grand to know Marthoners "are everywhere!" This Stonehenge not to be confused with the TI Net version.

Take me home

Take Me Home is the favored scenario by the author as this package includes three maps, Last Living Man & Alcatras being offered as well. That annoying message "These maps were not created by Bungie . . . crash . . ." so true on Alcatras, but you can beat it. These scenarios are stinkers in the go 'round & 'round framework. All in all though, we have to say Mr. Nitz came up with three decent scenarios, real puzzlers.

The Lawton-Brronson Package

Turns out The Lawton-Brronson is a school club for Marathon wherein tournaments are played and relationships with teachers can be strained. Eight members called into principals office. They want to start a petition addressing unfairness, particularly of one old bat, er, teacher. We suspect this scenario to be an early, very early, effort in map making. Three levels, probs on level one, Rage, with registering data chips in your inventory. Level two & three, Simulacrums & Volunteers respectively. Keep at it boys, we will wait on your College Years for more sophistication

The Sea Change 0.09

Oh, this is good. A master map maker in the making with artistry (see classy Read Me, opening screens), imagination and good storytelling. While you transport several times it is, still and all, one level. Pier lives in Kansas & included his Driver's license photo in the Intro and . . . it's cool for him to do so! We liked it. We also like this scenario. Sure could use some expansion for a superduper rendition of an Infinity "not even stupid" game. Keep going Pier. Folks, take a look.

The Tidy-Bowl

The bowl itself is pretty cool, but the pipes are pretty annoying, and don't even get me started on the filtration unit...
