Browse Files

Stacked Windows

A further advance of the techniques shown in "Untextured Walls". In this case, you can stack openings in a wall. A nice hack... and correctly done, nearly invisible to the player.

Untextured Walls

A cool demo of what can be done with untextured walls. Hacks, all, but in the right hands, they can make the architecture in Marathon levels look more realistic.


An enormous 6-level total conversion. (Well, okay, not total... and that's its biggest weakness.) The mapmaking is pretty good, and the new creatures are quite cool ...

Tina Shapes

Female replacements for the infinity Bobs. Quite efficient looking... what you'd expect, actually, from a colonist (as compared to, say, a half-naked amazon). Comes with a very large sounds patch.

5D Madness

A three-level 5D map. Once you get the hang of it, the flow's great. Mapmaking detail is pretty nice, as well... great for small to medium sized groups.

Alhambra v1.1

A huge, wide-open, nicely-built killing area. Weapons and ammo come in clumps... so if you want a particular weapon, you also get lots of ammo for it. Also comes in Evil and Tempus Irae flavors.

Carnage Soccer Ultimate

4 maps, all based on the same idea as DoubleAught's Carnage Soccer. Some nice twists, here...

Castle (infinity)

A large map based on (you guessed it) the design of a medieval castle. Weapons are in outer rooms, one weapon (and its ammo) to a room. The center has four chip insertion slots, for opening up the great hall. Beware of falling ceilings, though... Also available in an Evil flavor.

Circle of Carnage

Pillars, lava river, lots of ways to die. There are a couple of elevated rooms off the sides, with 2x rechargers in 'em... careful, 'cause they're guardable. (Also watch for a weird bug if you leave too fast... you can end up in a glass cage at the bottom of the stairs.)

da BOT

A sprawling arena with a couple of surrounding corridor rings.Nice looking... but the outer ring is a bit large (you'll be running a long way from opening to opening).
