Browse Files

Map Analyzer v1.5

Produces an amazing array of info about a map (or a folder full of maps), including all basic stats (polys, floor space, weapons availability, textureset, etc), and some aggregate stats on multiple level maps. It was inspired by MapInfo, but generates much more information. This update is a complete overhaul. There are statistics on new things (including textures, lights, liquids, and sounds), and special value statistics, and the source is completely Loren's (all of Kirill Levchenko's code has been replaced). Source is included.


A single level solo scenario. In a lot of ways, it reminded me of a map for M2 called Descent (except that it's far less buggy than Descent was).


A single level solo scenario. You wake up in a strange room, with a magnum that shoots pfhor bolts instead of bullets... flow is good, the level is hard, and generally, completion is possible.


A three-level (but pretty short) solo scenario. There's a plot, but it's sort of irrelevant... the game is focused pretty tightly on action.

Snaky's Net Levels

7 maps, mostly small (except for the last one, which is quite large). Author says they've been tested with 1 and 2 people... it's doubtful larger groups would have enough weapons and ammo. (In most of the maps, larger groups would trip over each other.) Comes with a bunch of bonus physics models.

Maps for Shipping

Six maps, mostly quite good. (Lords of Chaos is quite buggy, but it seems to be alone in that.)They range from smallish (It's not a Tomber has fantastic flow for a small group) to very large (Embrace the Madness could swallow 5 or 6 without too much trouble). A good combination of styles here... almost everyone in your group should be able to find a map they're comfortable on.

Piltdown Network Packet 1

A 5 map collection (well, 6, but one is not accessible, either in network or solo mode, and crashes Forge pretty hard). Mostly small, with pretty plain lighting/sounds Nice for pairs (except for Trax Re, which can fit more).

Tunnel Hunt Pack

A large, concentrically built map, with rings of passageways around a central force-fielded square. Comes in two flavors, with the second map being an expanded version of the first. Nice construction, and good flow all around...

L'howon Landscapes v1.1

Replacements for the existing Alien landscapes (night and day) in both Infinity and M2. More realistic... and this version contains Hamish Sanderson's modifications to make the 8-bit versions look almost as good as the 16-bit versions.

Drink Your Wine

A square arena, with a ledge around the outside and a raised square fortress in the center. Simple, but well-designed for flow. The hill (The central fort) is accessible from both the ledge (via a bridge) and the bottom (via a fast elevator). There are a few pillars to use as cover... but more than two people in the game, and staying on the hill is a non-trivial excercise.

Home Grown Carnage

A mostly enclosed, tight-hallwayed map. (There's open space, too, but the dominant type is closed-in.) A few minor glitches, but mainly pretty nice mapmaking. Flow is good-there are multiple exits from most areas, and you won't get hung up on edges too much. Effort has been put into lighting, which (because of the mostly small spaces) shouldn't affect framerates. (The map could use a bit of sound, though...) Comes in two flavors-heavy on the weapons and ammo, for large groups, and lighter on both, for smaller groups.

3rd and 7

A large football field, surrounded by seats (?). Nicely laid out, if a little bare... but ammo is really sparse, probably for anything more than two people. Gets a little better once you find the entrance to the control booth, but it's still not enough for bigger games.

Descent into Death

A huge arena surrounded by rising hallways. With big groups, this might be fun, but smaller groups would have a hard time getting close enough to kill. There's a switch in the central pillar which I don't understand at all... all it seems to do is make the upper hallways vulnerable from below. Since only those in the upper hallways can flip the switch, it seems, well... pointless. (I suppose it also makes the area around the hill targetable from above... but there is much more freedom of movement down below, so it's more dangerous to those in the passageways.)

Test Arena

A simple concept, elaborately (and extremely well) executed. This is an arena for testing monsters. Standard monsters, custom monsters... doesn't matter. You get lots of ammo, and a safe island, and a setup that allows the release of exactly the number and kind of monster you'd like, when you want it. It's way more elaborate than you'd ever really need for this task, but hey-if you're going to do something, why not do it right? If you need a test map for your new monster, this would work quite nicely.

Not a Good Landing v1.1

A four level solo scenario. Mostly well-built, with nice architecture, and decent gameplay. Play would be better, I think, if it weren't quite so predictable.

Stacked Walkways

A pretty neat demo of two walkways on top of each other. The technique uses scenery items to fake the look of the walkway, so you don't look like you're floating... it seems pretty clear that with a little bit of artistry, the proper scenery items could be created to make the upper walkway look nearly flawless. Also contains an intriguing extension of the author's untextured wall experiments.

Kill the Player (SPN)

A small mazelike map, with an embedded physics model that keeps you on your toes. (It's designed to be played solo-the SPN stands for SIngle Player Network.) You get one magnum (and, if you kill the infrequent vacubob, a fusion pistol), and your job is to kill as many bobs as you can. (There is no end.) Good for target practice... the bodies really pile up. Enough recharge canisters appear that you can keep going as long as you want to.

Nuthouse of Idiosyncrasy

A small level with a pit reached by two long mirrorimage corridors. You got enforcers, you got vacuexplodabobs, you got a jug... you gotta kill 'em all, and still find your co-players. Would be horribly crowded with more than two or three.

The Sons of Ludd

A six-level, action-packed solo scenario. This was released (and announced on last fall, but there wasn't any active archiving going on at the time.

The Marathon Sound Set v1.2

Not technically Marathon sounds, but rather a MacOS 8.5 SoundSet. Pretty well done, overall... a few sounds are rough, but so were the originals.
