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Gironicorp v3.0.5

4 Levels that are tagged with some pretty cool names. Like the folks at Northwest I liked the third one best. Kind of reminded me of My Own Private Thermo...from M-2. I labeled them like this Water, Sewage, Water, Alien. A lot of media here again...The first was really fast, especially with the water rivers that were more like chutes. There are a couple of secrets here, if you have time to find them. (check the films) 2nd Level...well, download and email the author on this one..4 level..."Transport City" (my label on this level) ...flow gets interruped with transporters

Townsend Square

Exactly what it sounds like. A medium sized square arena with a enclosed ring around three sides. The ring gives access to the arena via windows. Pretty fast carnage but some deadends that will disrupt flow.

Dave's Action Pack v1.1.1

Six very, very good net levels ranging from giant to huge. I won't reiterate the read me but; 1) Are you Afraid Of The Dark-check out the spiral staircase and the weapon placement. Very well constructed and very fast. 2)Clay Pigeons-Great Idea here!! 3)Everyones Mortal But Me II-remake of Bungie all time great with a couple of twists. 4)Free Fallin'-giant, all that I can say. 5)Infinite Loop-reminded me of a ride I was rode that I got sick on. Again very good design and construction, something for everyone on this map. 6)King of the Pit-see if you can find the lava switch. Great Map Design...

Hello Kittys Fun Time Toy Box

A pretty fun novelty type net map. This one gives you the weapons but not the ammo. The ammo is given to you when the aliens die....A strange but different type of map. Give it a try...

Hunting Hunters (mi)

Well, like it sounds. A small round type arena that has multiple level passageways that wrap around it. With, you guessed it, all types of Hunters in this one...

Nomad S'pht

This is a ingeniously designed patch that replaces the S'pht with these drones that are called Nomads. They are taken from the Star Trek episoded bearing the same name.


A very well designed net level that is in the design of a oval. (well sort of) Access is by a differnt type of design in the usual ring area. A fast and well built map.

Sports Maps v1.0

All types of sports are included in this map pak. You can play soccer again, pool, pinball and even bowling. The bowling and the pinball maps were the most amuzing and interesting. Some old tricks and some new ones. Seven levels in all.

Ship Ahoy

A new trick with the Marathon engine! Will support 3 to 4 types of net modes, but the whole concept and idea behind this design is really cool. If you get your self on top of the ship you will feel like you are on a real ship ridin' the waves. Really neat effect. Almost makes you swimmy headed watch the texture on the walls go up and down, but this one is built with the Jjaro textures, sewage instead of water?? This is for a large net game, 2 to 3 would be real slow. Check the effect out if for no other reason...


Two net levels that are really hard to explain. If you try them out solo there are so many crazy bobs and bad guys that it is almost impossible to stay alive. (Maybe a good pratice level for all those vid-heads out there) , but if you played this in a net game, it would probably be tag or KTMWTB. You will need 6 to 8 to keep it interesting...rather strange hearing the bird type ambients when your under water.. There were a few bugs with some invisible walls that would appear and reappear.
