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October 1996

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Alex First

Two maps. One (Caverns) is dark, twisty, and has lots of explodabobs and MoaHs. Its main point of interest, though, is its creator... Alex Okita is an artist at Bungie West, working on Oni. This was his first Forge map. (The other map in the archive was made by a friend of his, and is a model of the friend's house. Lots of weapons, but in very specific places... take a runthrough before you play this one.)

Pfhactory N'Utopia

By some incredibly lame oversight on my part, this seminal map never made it into the archives. (It's been finished for years...) It's the base for the Infinity maps Aye Mak Sicur, Aie Mak Sicur, Carroll Street Station, You're Wormfood Dude, and who knows what else. It started life as a huge M1 netmap, grew into an M2 netmap, was probably the first 1024 poly Infinity map, and is just one heck of a map. And now it's here. Sorry for the delay.

Last Survivor of the Nostromo...

The last Marathon map ydnar ever made. It's been sitting on his drive until now... it's not entirely finished, but nearly finished for ydnar is polished like a diamond for human mapmakers. (Well, okay, it could use a little bit of lighting and sound work, and maybe some weapons placement... but it's pretty impressive as it stands.) Enjoy it...

Marathon Calculator

A rather intricate technique that uses the marathon engine as a binary calculator to add two numbers. Its limit is 31 (as the total), and because the actual mechanism is shown, there's a long walk between the calculator and the answer... but it's amazing what you can do when you're free for the summer. (Really, really detailed explanation.) Definitely worth a look if you're curious about how far the engine can be pushed for non-standard tasks.

Trojan: Legacy

Trojan was one of the most ambitious Marathon 1 projects ever done. (In fact, it was one of the most ambitious Marathon projects, period... of any flavor.) The driving force behind that project, Hamish Sanderson, began, two years ago, to bring Trojan to Marathon Infinity...

Pesky Porkchop

Beautiful but large netmap...

Monsters added for solo play.

no sick & twisted physics

nice to look at

Frame Example

A very nice example of a technique first showcased "the Battle Cat's World Tour Netpak" - Multiple textures on a single wall. Framing might just be one of the best uses of this technique to come to light so far.

TC 19 Demo

A two-level demo of an upcoming scenario. This one is plot-based... and it's good. I found it interesting that the first two comments I saw were (in order) "I like it" and "it's too hard!"

One Way Halls

A simple example showing how to exploit a marathon bug to make hallways one way.(That is, you can pass from east to west, but not from west to east.) It's quite effective as a demonstration, but if you choose to use it in a real map, you'll need to polish it up- I was able to (by accident) crush myself in one of the controlling polys. Potentially quite useful in guiding a player to do things in a specific order.

Marathon: Fell v2.0

In April 1999, Fell 1.0 was released, and it was a pretty impressive debut. The work of predominately one person, Fell was an extremely playable, engrossing scenario. Now, 7 months later, Fell 2.0 is released.
