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February 1996

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September 1996

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October 1996

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One Sucker vs. Another Sucker

Designed for simple two player carnarge fests. Players start at small rooms either end of a large oval arena that is surrounded by a enclosed corridor. Plenty of ammo to go around, and even more once you've found your way into the secret areas. Merged with a hand grenade physics model.

Outpost Seibalh

The basic premise of this net level is that it's set in a winter climate where snow and ice cover the ground, the result of which is that your traction with the ground is greatly reduced. It takes a while to learn the new techniques necessary (don't hold down the run key for a long time and use weapon recoil for maneuvering), but it can be fun once you get the hang of things. The map itself is fairly big (> 4 players would be best) and set up for multiplayer carnage with open large chambers on multiple levels, linked by elevators and narrow staircases.

Palace o' Pistol Pleasure

Palace o' Pistol Pleasure is magnum/fusion pistol only map, made up from 6 varied sized/shaped rooms lined up north/south direction, the southern most room holding a hill and 3x recharger. Because of the map linearitity, it can be very difficult to take anyone who gets a foothold at the recharger

Pfhour Hours Validation

A large, three-level parking garage. I wish the garages I park in had this much space to manouver... but the construction's pretty nice. The upper level's open air, the middle level's pretty well lit, if mostly enclosed, and the bottom level has a serious need for an electrician. Whatever your playing style, you should be able to find an area to excel here. Could be pretty slow for small groups, due to its very large size.

Primal Chaos

A small rectangular arena with a door in each corner leading to an encircling corridor where teleporters will transport you back to ledges overlooking the arena. Due to it's small size, pretty high carnage rates are achieved. Suitable for 2-4 players.

Prisoners of the Tower

A very complicated map, with lots and lots and lots of secrets. Too many slow-moving elevators for my taste, but if you're willing to take the time to get to know this map, you will find that there are a myriad of ways to kill your friends. As the author says, "the map is your weapon."

Spider Web v1.0.1

A central arena surrounded by two interlinked, enclosed corridors in a 'spiders web' design. There are no doors or platforms to get in the way here, so the action can get pretty fast and furious. This one is big enough to support 8 players, but the ammo would be a little light for the trigger happy. M2 compatible for KotH and EMfH games.

Stone Forest

A medium sized circular arena, covered with a regular grid of tall pillars (the stone forest). The center of the arena contains a shallow water filled trough forming the hill with shield rechargers on either side. Suicide rates are bound to be high. Watch for the teleporters to get a better vantage point over the arena.

The Big P

A very short solo 'scenario'. To be quite honest, I really couldn't figure out the story line from either the terminals or the readme, but the idea seems be to run around and kill everything. It would be possible to run through the entire level in under 2 minutes if it wasn't for the modified physics that makes some hummers invisible and massively increases their vitality. 10 AR magazines at close range took care of them.

The Pain Years v1.0

A circular arena with lots of shallow staircases in rings around it. Decent flow.
