Pfhunk Pfhiles v911
8 net maps. These are split between a few standard (pretty nice, in most cases) arena maps, and several team-oriented game maps. There's a capture-the-flag variation (already released), a mortar-style combat map, a pretty slick KOH level, and more. Construction is good, ammo is plentiful, and for bigger groups, the team play should liven up your carnage-fests.
Levels in map "Don't Get Pfhunked":
Don't Get Pfhunked!
Levels in map "Grenade Pfhunk":
Grenade Pfhunk
Levels in map "Pfhlames Of Pfhunk":
Pfhlames Of Pfhunk
Levels in map "Pfhunk Tank":
Pfhunk Tank
Levels in map "20,000 Pfhunks Under The Sea":
20,000 Pfhunks Under The Sea
Levels in map "Compactor of Pfhunk":
The Compactor of Pfhunk
Levels in map "Pfhlower of Pfhunk":
Pfhlower of Pfhunk
Levels in map "Pfhunk Pfhest":
Pfhunk Pfhest