Marathon Jigsaw v1.0

8 solo levels (and a couple of net levels) - this is a very nicely laid-out project (and quite difficult in parts). Mapmaking is very high-quality, though there are some minor annoyances (at one point, you're required to make a series of jumps from ledge to ledge - miss one, and you have to start over... and over.. and over; in another instance, you'll find yourself inside a beautifully constructed building maze - but the beauty wears off after you've been wandering through the same corridors for 30 minutes; and so on). Overall, flow is great, though, and the gameplay will keep you wide awake. Definitely worth playing.

Levels in map "Marathon - Jigsaw":
Cancelled check
Cast Away
Making Flippy Floppy
Denial Isn't Just a River in Africa
The Two Towers
Frag your CO, man
Lava for Brains
Blood Pumping Backwards
Where's Bob when you need him?
As old as time
The Map With No Name