Grendel Manqué v2
An upgrade of a 5 map collection - it's 15 maps now. Emphasis is on lighting and special effects - maps are very pretty to look at. What I wrote for the first version still holds - Mostly geared to smaller groups (all are playable with 2 players, although most will support more). Well thought-out... even the plainest has a purpose. Definitely worth a look. (And if you're looking, check out the author's map page... a bit unusual, but quite interesting.)
Levels in map "Grendel Manqué v2":
the rotunda
I thought I told you to get the fuck out
…fuck out Party Size
off center
Discount Neuron Barn
poorly built starship
Everyone Smokes at the Slab
Regulate! Overtime
arava (foolish remix)
the rotunda (Frontier Remix)
Everyone Smokes at the Slab (Dark)