Created by Unknown

Circle Of Doubt

Large inner circle with surrounding stairs leading off to four corner rooms/areas where weapons & ammo can be picked up. Stairs for ammo also. Central area of circle continually raised Compilers upon entering, only alien to be seen. 2x canister. Probably would work as KOTH or tag.

Claustrophobolis V1.0

This map is very claustrophobic. Lava pit but you can walk on it. Elevators to no particular place. Corridors with no straight shots to be had. You might like it if you like suddenly rounding corners to . . . . Blam!

Coyotu Szenegua!!

The first & last thing you hear with this Map Maker's effort, "Hey, Let's Kill BOB!". If you like to Kill Bob, this is for you. No progression, no end, just Kill Bob! Sufficient ammo for the job, but like Bobs everywhere, they just keep coming & coming & coming!

Twin Dreams

A simple arena surrounded by (and intersected by) a cross-and-square built in simple 5D. Okay for small groups.

Dan's Underwater Grotto of Love

Didn't find love’ but did find a decent net map here. Dan must be responsible. Large square with two sides devoted to sniper ledges or perhaps could work for KOTH. Many small squares of f the larger one for ammo, transport, hiding out. Elevator, 1x & 2x. Due to smallish size would probably be fast if opponents don’t disappear in all the rooms.
