4 levels (three great, one so-so). Zig Zag is too open for slower machines, but the rest are some of Butch's best. (He's been busy since I've been here last!) One game on Press Box (6 player) racked up a kill rate of 36 deaths/minute! Think fast (really, really fast) or die.
Five more, two modified Bungie maps and three new ones. This is the best batch in a while... If you aren't light on your feet and accurate with your shots, you'll end up very, very, dead.
Butch said he was done with these, but he lied. Three more levels, one modified bungie and two original. Pistol Parlor gets some nice action with pistols as the only weapon...
This is the entire set of Suicide maps created by Butch Massoni (through version 10). It includes the 49 original levels (tweaked a bit in some cases) as well as 5 new levels. There will be no more... marksmen (and women) need to check out Otis' Place.