Simplici7y Contest Winners
On April 17, 2000, announced a contest whereby entrants had to create maps that used exactly 7 polygons. Almost 50 entries came in, most quite interesting. The winning 7 Entries won prizes... and have been bundled here, for your enjoyment. It's amazing what you can do with 7 polys...
The full archive of all entries is located here.
Levels in map "BES;SEB -play on Normal only!":
Bungie, Escher, Szilassi...
Levels in map " Electrolyte Cliché v1.9":
Electrolyte Cliché
Levels in map "Septum":
Levels in map "Seventh Power .......":
Powers of Seven.......
Levels in map "Shishk-a-bob 7":
Shishk-a-bob 7 SE
Levels in map "Short Drink from 7th Fountain":
A Short Drink from the 7th Fountain
Levels in map "Symmetry Simplici7y":
Symmetry Simplici7y